抗ウイルス塗料 セフティーガード AVフラット 各種つや消し

抗ウイルス塗料 セフティーガード AVフラットについて(2023/04/03追記)
木工用抗ウイルス塗料 AVフラットは、銀系で抗ウイルス性の高い抗ウイルス剤を添加配合しています。
★セフティーガード AVフラット

Antiviral Paint,Safety Guard AV Flat Various,Anti-Eraser
Antiviral paint from Sansei Paint Industry finally! It was released this time.
With the spread of coronavirus, how to respond to viruses is being considered from various angles.
There are three main way to fight viruses α viruses.
(1) How to fight to reduce damage when affected by vaccination
(2) How to fight not approaching the virus, how to take a distance
(3) How to fight to disinfect and disinfect before entering the body if the virus adheres
(4) How to fight to introduce this new
This way of fighting is to create a coating film that can take away the infecting power of the virus itself.
Drugmakers have proven that the paint will take away 99.9 percent of its capacity after 24 hours.Although it is adopted by some customers, it is sold only through a specific dealer because the painting method is difficult.
For details, please contact us the inquiry form.
The corresponding thinner is urethane thinner,
Our recommendation is “Sefty Guard Thinner”.
The entrance is 5.4kgSET/24kgSET.